how can we help you?

Contact us at the G.S Hora & Associates office or submit your query online.

Loan Syndication Services

Project Financing & Loan Syndication is one of the major services provided by firm. The firm works with all major public sector banks and other scheduled banks to help clients get credit assistance such as Term Loan, Cash Credits, LC, BG etc. The firm also helps clients with retail loan schemes provided by various banks.

Range of Loan Syndication Services

  • Preparation of Techno-Economic Feasibility Reports for Banks, MSME Directorate, Corporation for setting up of any type of new industry
  • Preparation of CMA Data for Banks
  • Loan Syndication & Liasoning with various Public Sector Banks & Financial Institutions
  • Advising the client on the process of setting up an new industry
  • Preparation and liasioning with licensing departments for setting up new industry on behalf of the client

If you have any questions, we would be happy to answer them